Hi lovely viewers and welcome to this post, Airtel is now blazing well with PD-Proxy, Your-freedom, Opera Mini Handlers etc. This month seems to favoured all Airtel users with the latest free browsing tweak after so many months of being tweak-less
Now, I would brief you guys on how to set the Airtel free browsing tweak on Android, Symbian, Java and PC.
Now, I would brief you guys on how to set the Airtel free browsing tweak on Android, Symbian, Java and PC.
Your-Freedom Setting With Airtel Sim For Android Users
- Download Your-freedom software to your Android device here
- Install your-freedom software to your phone.
- Launch it and Click on CONFIGURE: Select Account Information and insert username and password you obtained from your-freedom website.
- Select Server connection: DNS/UDP TWEAK,
- Port: 53
- Connection Mode: Nigeria Airtel
- Click Wizard, and wait till it display list of servers. The once without coins are for free users while the once with coins are for premium users. Choose the server that suite you.
- Reconnection Delay: 5000.
- Minimum Post Size: 10000000,
- Initial Post Size: 150000
- Go to PROXY SETTINGS and input staticdns.com or as proxy address and 80 as port
- Click on START CONNECTION on your-freedom
Connect and Enjoy it while it last.
Airtel Web Browser, Free Browsing Tweak For Android Users
Go to your mobile network and edit the internet settings, then setup your proxy address and port with the below:
- Proxy address or IP: turbohide.com
- Port: 80
Open your Firefox or any browser you wish to surf the free browsing
- Input: in your address bar,
- You'll be redirected to a page where you're to input any website you'd wish to surf, then you're good to go.
Airtel Opera Mini Free Browsing Tweak For Android Users
Create Connection Settings with below IP and port- IP:
- PORT: 80
- Apn: internet.ng.airte.com
- Custom http server:
- Custom socket server:
- Tick remove port from url
- Proxy Type: Host
- Proxy Server: 0.facebook.com%3a%2fa%3fa%2fa@edge-z-ecmp.01-dwf1.facebook.com@ or leave it empty
Airtel Free Browsing Tweak on Symbian & Java Phones
Create Connection Settings with below IP and port- IP: turbohide.com
- PORT: 80
Then open your mobile browser, setup homepage as then startup your browser and start blazing.
Airtel Opera Mini Tweak For Symbian & Java Users
Create Connection Settings with below IP and port- IP:
- PORT: 80
- Apn: internet.ng.airte.com
- Homepage= http://selfcare.ng.airtel.com
- Scroll down to Proxy Type/Reversed: HTTP
- Proxy Server:
Create Prov with the above IP and Port and activate it as a default setting.
You may click here for comprehensive detail on how to create prov by yourself.
Enjoy it while it last.
PC Users should check out this link for detail about latest Airtel Tweak: Enjoying Unlimited Free Browsing On PC With Airtel Sim Using PD-Proxy
You may click here for comprehensive detail on how to create prov by yourself.
Enjoy it while it last.
PC Users should check out this link for detail about latest Airtel Tweak: Enjoying Unlimited Free Browsing On PC With Airtel Sim Using PD-Proxy
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If you encounter any problem during the process, use the comment box below to say your view and i will reply you as soon as possible.
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